No More Excuses

No More Excuses! 10 Tricks That’ll Motivate You to Work Out

It’s true what they say: 80 percent of success is just showing up. Once you’re there — you’re there. This advice can be hard to take when, after a late night of fun, your alarm goes off before the sun is up. Propelling yourself to the gym, can feel like a hurdle in its own right, but it’s always one worth jumping. If you’ve resolved to work out more this year and get fit, motivate yourself to keep on sweating with these tricks.

  • Channel that glorious post-workout feeling. Whenever you feel the instinct to skip a sweat session, imagine how accomplished and energized you feel after just 30 minutes of exercise. Just get there already.
  • Make a date with a friend or fitness trainer. If you set a time to meet someone, you’ll feel obligated to go, even when your mind and body are telling you otherwise.
  • Create a healthy post-workout routine and make time for it, too. Reward yourself after a workout by scheduling extra moments to relax in the steam room, blow out your hair to perfection, or get a hot coffee or a protein-rich smoothie.
  • This is the simplest, and possibly hardest, piece of advice to follow: schedule your workout early in the morning before the day’s distractions detour you from lofty intentions.
  • Carry a motivational token or photo with you. Beyonce keeps a painting of an Oscarat the gym, so she’s literally running toward her next goal. Instead of commissioning a masterpiece, snap a shot of the dress you want to wear on your next date, a beautiful beach you hope to visit this year, or even yourself at your best, and make it the wallpaper on your phone. When you feel like caving, look at it.
  • Instead of going home to watch your favourite show on the couch, suit up and watch it on the treadmill. If your gym doesn’t have TVs, load up your iPod or iPhone to view it.
  • Try something new. Sign up for an exercise class you’ve never taken before, join up with a group training session, or work out at a different time of day.
  • Throw on your favourite workout gear and some lip gloss. Kelly Osbourne admits to dolling up so she feels positive and pretty when she sees her reflection working out.
  • Avoid taking a physical energy dip by fuelling your body with a healthy pre-workout snack. You’ll have something to burn and a boost of protein to keep your eye on the prize.
  • Give yourself a gold star. Plot out a reward system and treat yourself when you hit your goal of workouts per week or weight loss. Wouldn’t a massage or a pedicure feel great after all your hard work?

Well Done girls – with these great tips we look forward to seeing you in the gym more, and achieving your goals faster.

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