The 10 Habits of Fit and Fab people

By working out at the gym and being careful about what you eat you’re already learning healthy habits.  Remember that evidence shows that fitness is the most important predictor of longevity and quality of life.  It is therefore important to maintain your fitness.

Here are some habits of Fit and Fab people:

  1. Listen to your body.
  2. Workout like it is your job – you go to work every day and so make the same sort of commitment to your fitness and well being
  3. Tell other people about your goals – you are more likely to stay on track if you have others to hold you accountable.
  4. Put on your gym gear even if you don’t feel like going.  Once you have done that you are more likely to be motivated to go.
  5. Ensure that you surround yourself with active people.  We often make decisions on the thoughts, actions and habits of other people, so make those people who influence you the same sort of person you want to be – FIT and FAB.
  6. Turn off the TV – this will give you so much extra time.  Especially if you feel you don’t have time to maintain your fitness.
  7. Don’t make excuses as to why you can’t exercise.  Even a five-minute burst of activity is better than none at all.
  8. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere.  Often when you think you are hungry you are actually thirsty, and by the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated..
  9. Carry a healthy snack such as an apple or small bag of nuts in your handbag and that will stop you eating unhealthy food.
  10. Wear workout gear that makes you feel good.  When you like your gym clothes you are more likely to want to wear them.  There are some great brands out there for every budget.

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