Fitness and Nutrition

10 Healthy Swaps

Just a few simple substitutions to your diet and day-to-day life can see you reach your goals a lot faster and help you lead a healthier lifestyle. Below are a few easy swaps that you can make, so you can get where you want to go quicker:

  1. Instead of butter on your toast or sandwiches, try a thin layer of avocado. It tastes delicious and replaces the bad fats in butter or margarine with healthy fats.
  2. Try lemon juice on your salads instead of oily dressings. Lemon juice gives a lovely “zing” to your salads and cuts the calories rapidly, as well as being good for your digestion.
  3. If you are making mince, try loading it up with veggies. Grated carrot and zucchini, onions and tomatoes all add flavor to the mince, and make it much healthier. As an added bonus it will stretch it even further. A can of beans is also a great addition.
  4. Mashed potatoes are a wonderful comfort food, but not too friendly to the waistline. Try substituting half the potatoes with steamed cauliflowers to reduce the calories.
  5. Rather than having flavoured drinks, try creating your own flavoured water. Experiment with different fruits and herbs until you have found one you love. Suggestions include lemon, orange, mint, cucumber, berries and even apple – just place slices into a jug and chill overnight for a delicious beverage.
  6. Alcohol adds empty calories and is not recommended on any weight loss plan. If you must indulge, remember to alternate each alcoholic drink with a glass of water. Not only will this cut down on the amount of sugar and calories consumed, it will also save you money AND reduce your hangover the next day. Vodka, Lime & Soda is your best bet if you want a drink with minimal damage to your diet plan.
  7. If you are often tempted by the treats at the supermarket, try paying your local fruit store and butcher a visit. This will help you avoid the temptations of the centre aisles, but may also save you money.
  8. Swap your coffee to green tea. When you are craving a hot drink, try green tea instead of a milky coffee. Green tea stimulates the metabolism, so if you are drinking more than one coffee a day this can make a big difference.
  9. Instead of meeting friends for lunch or a coffee, try meeting them for a walk or a workout. By getting your friends involved you can also motivate and inspire them, and create your own support network. A long walk is a great time for a catch-up, and can be substituted for your daily workout.
  10. “Don’t reward yourself with food”. Many women treat themselves to chocolate or other food as a reward, or when times are stressful. Try coming up with alternative rewards that won’t undermine your efforts in the Feel Fit & Fab Challenge. A relaxing bath with a good book or magazine can feel just as indulgent and can keep you on track.

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